perm filename TFT.STA[AM,DBL] blob sn#527782 filedate 1980-08-08 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Player		Name	Race/Sex Stats	L.Run   $    EP   Job   Locn
Barry Eynon 	Teluron(W) .M  8- 8-19  2/6/4  675    5  TnWzd  Dranning
Steve Goodman	Julius	   .M 10-14- 9  2/6/3   56   86   -     Bendwyn
		?	   RM				 Self   Dranning
Don Woods	Ando B.	   HM  9-14- 8  2/6/3   99    6   -     Bendwyn
		Zot(W)     .M  8-11-16  2/6/1 1720  115  Self   Dranning
Jim Boyce	Falco H.   HM 10-12- 9  2/6/3  -14  171   -     Bendwyn
		Alistair(W).M 10-12-11  2/5/1  404   86  PolR   Dranning
Doug Lenat	Nworoknei  .F  8- 8-18  2/6/3 1600    0   -     Bendwyn
		Lemon(W)   EF  5-12-17 2/5/4 11960   99  Self   Dranning
Jerry Wallis	Zarlor     .M 12-11-14  2/6/3  625  198   -     Bendwyn
		Glintree(W)EM  6-10-16  2/5/1 3855   60  TnWzd  Dranning
Phil Gerring	Peter S.   .M 14-10- 8  2/6/3  516   48   -     Bendwyn
		Khradhak   DM 11-10-11  2/5/1 1112   52  GldsmthDranning

Current Visitors:
Merle Lenat     Arel       EF 18-11- 9  2/6/3   -7  342   -     Bendwyn
Jean(re Phil)	Glifra	   DF 16- 8- 8  2/6/3  503   89   -     Bendwyn
George Cole     Kirian     HM 10-12-10  2/6/3 1117   99  Mnstrl Bendwyn

Next Orders Due: All characters currently in Dranning to be run through
2/6/4. This may be done in person at Dougs on Saturday,Aug 9, in conjunction
with Doug's run, or orders may be submitted to me either via netmail or
USPS, or if necessary via phone. Deadline is Monday August 11.

Visitor Policy: Visitors are welcome, in general, after checking with me
for specific applicability (I retain the right to refuse to allow characters
to appear in a situation if there is no reasonable way they could have
gotten there, etc.) Visitors should have at least a passing accquaintance
with the rules and ideas of the game, and either should come with a beginning
character completely prepared with forms filled out, or be prepared to
accept a pregenerated character from me. Visitors as a group will not be
directly notified of campaign activity, and characters will generally
be assumed to perform default actions during periods of inactivity. Anyone
in visitor status who wishes to join the campaign should read ( and probably
obtain a copy of) Advanced Melee and Advanced Wizard, plus the appropriate
sections of In the Labyrinth, and then speak to me.

Notification Policy:
All "members" of the campaign are entitled to a copy of this notice and
future editions. I will send it automatically to anyone with a netmail
address. Anyone wishing hard copy direct from me, or not having a
net address, should either obtain copies from someone who DOES have
a net address, or else should provide me with self-addressed stamped
envelopes, and I will run off copies and mail them. Extra copies MAY
be available from me in person at times when I have my TFT stuff with me,
but don't count on it.

Here's my current list of player actions, any additions/comments?

Weekly Actions Perfomable in spare time: (1/wk unless otherwise spec.)

Action		Roll	Cost		Notes

Job Hunting	3/IQ	-		Unsk. jobs can be found without roll,
					and are available even in weeks where
					a JH roll has already failed. Army and
					Police will always take recruits, but
					expect a 6-mo term.

Shop		-	var		Any number of low-cost ordinary items
					or one large item(e.g. plate armor)
					from the standard table.

Shop for	5+/IQ	var		Search for and attempt to buy up
non-standard				to three non-standard (magical,fine wpn
items					techno,etc) items from NPC. Must have
					money to buy any one ofthe items, and 
					lists of items must be of related type.

Commission	4+/IQ	var		Attempt to find and commission an NPC
non-standard				to construct a desired item. At least
item					half the cost will be required as

Find buyer of	5+/IQ	var		Attempt to find buyer of non-standard
non-standard				item willing to pay more than market
item					Advertising or possession of a shop
					helps (As it does in some of the above)

Find hireling	4+/IQ	var		Again,advertising helps.

Deal with other	-	none per se, but this can be done in addition to
available PCs		other spare-time activities at a cost of $5 (for

Carouse/Wench	4/IQ	$10+		Something to do in your spare time.

Gamble		3/IQ	var		See gambling houses for different
					games. EPs awarded both for successful
					gambling & for amount of money wagered.

And here's the current rulings file, can you think of any other 
subjects on which I have actually made rulings? Any other pressing
questions? Note: Questions on #dice needed for certain obscure tasks,
and suggestions for researched spells are not particularly userful, since
the only way to find out about such things is to actually try them with
a player character.

Monster Followers:
1) It takes a round like casting a spell
2) It is possible to use it on a partially damaged monster as one would
 use subdual, but one would roll again if the monster healed past
 a break point.
3)It can be tried only once per monster
4)Monster includes all non player character types.  Most mundane animals are 
 excluded by the iq limitations of the talent, but these would be covered by 
 animal handler instead
5)Range is same or adjacent megahex

Shapeshifted characters gain all of the physical abilities of their new
shape but none of the mental abilities. They retain all of their mental
abilities, but none that are in any way related to phyusical coordination
(e.g. shapeshifting into a hobbit does not get you the missle bonus, neither do
shapeshifted hobbits retain their missle bonus, unless they have a long time
in  their new shape to practice (years)).
Glamour confers no actual physical abilities of the new form other than
appearance. Note that glamour cannot more than double your size. Conversely
attempting to make you look much smaller than you really are makes things
pretty unbelievable, as do things like apparent elves who go around knocking
over furniture with their tails, etc. A glamoured creature has full use of
all previous physical and mental abilities, but again they will tend to 
spoil the effect of the illusion, even if they do not negate the spell.

Explosive Gem:
Costs 6ST/die of damage. Requires a gem of worth at least $10/die damage, and
the gem is destroyed when the blast goes off. The spell remains active for
24 hours, then disappears without harming the gem and may be recast.

Weapon/Armor Enchantment:
The level of enchantment of wpn/armor may be increased (say from +3 to +4)
by restarting the enchantment process as if half of the higher spell
had already been completed. Two notes: the enchantment spell would become
the LAST spell on the item, so multiply accordingly, and a complete failure
roll means that ALL of the + enchantment goes away, not just the increment.

Starting Conditions:
Characters start with some old equipment(non-resalable):
One weapon from any IQ7 set they have chosen,a shield of any type if they have
that talent, and cloth armor if they desire it.

Buying/Selling Tables:
[[ I'm convinced that several problems (excessive charsima bonus effects,
alchemists, perhaps consulting) can be solved by changing these tables 
somewhat. Watch this space for a 2d6-based table or the like in the near
future ]]
Well, that should be enough for now. Cheers.

	"... aaargh, they're still coming. Got any iron rations to throw?..."